About It's all about me...
The It's all about me... website is an initiative of the Central Grimsby School Partnership in conjunction with North East Lincolnshire Council to raise achievement in Primary and Secondary Schools.
It is part of The Lighthouse for Education website and can be accessed through The Lighthouse or directly from nelsch.org.uk/iaam.
The website was produced by Rupert Collins
There are a significant number of children in North East Lincolnshire who
underachieve throughout their school career. Although many of these
children are boys, it is by no means exclusively a gender issue.
Teachers from primary and secondary schools within the Central Local Area
Partnership were asked to devise a campaign to address underachievement.
Ultimately the campaign will provide materials and guidance across a
whole range of areas and will have information directed at children, parents
and teachers.
However, the initial launch is focused towards children in Years 6, 9 and 11
who are undertaking SATs and GCSE examinations this summer.
The slogan ‘It’s all about me..’ underlines the central tenet of the campaign –
children coming to understand that school years provide them with
opportunities to build towards their futures.
As parents and teachers we want children to be the best they can be but unless
and until children see the value in what they are being asked to do there will
be the potential for underachievement. From the earliest age, children need
to be encouraged to motivate themselves in order to engage with the opportunities afforded to them. This means them taking responsibility for their
learning and achievements and it is with this aspiration in mind that the campaign has been designed. |