It's all about me...I can do it!
Top tips for pupils:
- Note down all important dates and information
- Create a calm place to revise at home
- Plan and be organised
And remember ….
Small steps complete the learning journey
Top tips for pupils:
- Boost your brain with plenty of sleep
- Kick start each day with breakfast
- 5 a day keeps test blues away
And remember ….
To work, rest and play!
Top tips for pupils:
- Think positively – find something to celebrate each day
- Fuel your thinking with water
- Success is doing your best
And remember ….
When the week is over …. celebrate!
Top tips for parents:
- Whenever possible attend parent information evenings. It matters to THEM!
- Help THEM create their own study environment
- Highlighter pens, post-it notes, coloured index cards and sketchbooks make revision fun for THEM.
And remember ….
A hug a day keeps stress away
Top tips for parents:
- A healthy diet and good night’s sleep helps THEM to think clearly
- Get THEM to teach you what they know
- Regular revision breaks help THEM concentrate
And remember ….
Time is precious so spend some together
Top tips for parents:
- Be positive! Encouragement and reassurance makes THEM feel positive
- Fuel their thinking with water
- Let THEM know that their best is good enough
And remember ….
Plan a special event to celebrate the end of the tests