Altar: a special table where the bread and wine are put for communion
Bible: the special book of the Christian faith
Bishop: a important person who takes care of all the people in a group of churches
Cassock: a long buttoned robe usually black or red
Chancel: the part of a church where the choir sit
Chapel: a smaller room to the side of the main part of the church
Congregation: a group of people who meet to worship God
Chorister: a boy or girl who sings in the choir
Christening: a special service when someone becomes a member of the church
Font: a bowl on a stand that holds water, used to christen people
Holy Communion: a special meal shared by christians
Kneeler: a padded cushion for people who want to pray kneeling down.
Lectern: a stand on which to put the Bible:
Memorial: something built to remember events or people
Nave:the part of the church where the people sit
Norman: Something built around the same time that William the Conqueror became King of England
Sanctuary: the special part of the church where the altar is kept
Sculpture: a three dimensional object or figure
Shrapnel: bits of metal from a exploded bomb
Stole: a kind of scarf worn by vicars in church
Surplice: a long white shirt worn over a cassock
Transept: a large entrance area on each side of the church

Worship: gathering together to praise God with prayers and music