Holding Hands

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Aims and objectives
This Road Safety activity is designed to positively reinforce the concept that children need to hold onto something safe when they go out onto the pavement or road and they should not let go until they are in a safe place.

Previous knowledge
No previous knowledge is required for this activity.

In the classroom
This resource is designed to help parents teach or remind children that they need to hold onto something safe when they go out onto the pavement or road. It is also reminds children that they should not let go until they are in a safe place.

The best option is to hold hands. The other ways, such as holding a pushchair or an item of clothing result in less supervision, and should be approached with care. The parent/carer should position themselves between the child and the kerb.

This is an instructional activity for both parents/carers as well as children. If used with an interactive whiteboard in the classroom, pupils can engage in discussion which will help reinforce the learning.

Support materials description: Resources type:
The holding_hands.pdf contains a sorting activity which reinforces the lessons from the activity. The worksheet is best printed off onto stiff card, laminated and then cut into individual cards. holding_hands.pdf

Curriculum references
Early learning goals for self-care

PSHE & Citizenship – KS1:
3g; 5h

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