Aims and objectives
This activity gives children the opportunity to sort and match sets
of common objects as an introduction to numbers and calculating.
Previous knowledge
No previous knowledge is required as this resource starts at a very
basic introductory level working up to quite advanced skills. This
allows teachers to enter the resource at a level appropriate to
the children’s needs.
In the classroom
Children can work in groups or as individuals matching sets of common
objects. After a series of objects have been matched correctly two
objects, which can be paired, are displayed e.g. a 'key' and a 'lock'.
Adults can help develop children's understanding by asking "What
goes with the key?" and "Why is that?"
From the start screen click on a hat. There is a 2 by 2 grid, a
2 by 4 grid and a 4 by 4 grid. Switching between levels is done
by clicking on one of the hats. The number of stars on each hat
can be used to distinguish the levels.
Object cards and object pair cards can be downloaded and printed
for sorting and matching activities (see ‘worksheet’
This activity works really well with an interactive whiteboard
for larger groups or whole class teaching. Children can be encouraged
to physically participate in the activities and talk about the choices
they make. Open discussion in the class helps children make sense
of the activity and provides a platform for teachers to develop
speaking and listening as well as the underlying mathematics.
Support materials description: |
Resources type: |
The maths_magic.pdf contains sets of matching
pictures which can be printed out onto stiff paper, laminated
and used for matching and sorting games. |
maths_magic.pdf |
Curriculum references
Foundation Stage:
Early learning goals for calculating