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Aims and objectives
A musical planning activity. This activity gives children the opportunity to make and express choices, plans, and decisions. It is a small group activity that can be led by an adult or a child.

Previous knowledge
No previous knowledge is needed for this activity.

In the classroom
This activity gives children the opportunity to make and express choices, plans, and decisions. It is a small group activity that can be led by an adult or a child. Children sing their own plans by joining in with a planning song to the tune of Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush.

Clicking on the image of the children in the circle will start the activity. Each image of a child in the circle is linked to a popular early years activity and the words of a planning song. Children are encouraged to consider a range of activities before taking turns to sing their own plan of what they are going to do next.

This activity is aimed at groups of children and, as such, is well-suited to use with an interactive whiteboard. Children can walk up to the board and press the character of their choice and then ‘sing their plan’ with the other children joining in. It is an excellent way to introduce children to notions of choice, planning and decision making.

Support materials description: Resources type:
One of the sing_a_plan_music.pdf contains the musical score and words for the song used in the activity.

The other sing_a_plan.pdf has a set of images taken from the activity which can be printed out onto stiff paper, laminated and then used as ‘playing cards’ to develop further planning activities.


Curriculum references
Foundation Stage:
Early learning goals for caring and sharing


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