Exploring Perspective

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Aims and objectives
This set of interactive resources aims to introduce pupils to the concepts of perspective. As well as providing pupils with opportunities to play with and explore the differing elements there is also an area where they can see how other artists have used perspective in their work.

Previous knowledge
No previous knowledge is required although with younger pupils some support may need to be given with language development.

In the classroom
Have you ever wondered how artists can make pictures look so realistic? Well here are a few of the answers using a technique called 'perspective'. This is a set of interactive scenes where you can play with differing perspectives and see the effects of size and scale. You can also explore how some famous artists have used perspective to give their paintings more realism.

To explore perspective click on a scene then drag and drop the objects into your picture to see the effects of size and scale. Click the 'print' button to make a copy of your finished picture. The scenes get more complicated as you work your way through them!

You can also find out how some artists have used perspective in the paintings by clicking on the link at the bottom of the screen.

This is a set of interactive scenes where you can play with differing perspectives and see the effects of size and scale. You can also explore how some famous artists have used perspective to give their paintings more realism.

There are six scenes ranging from simple to quite complex. The more complex scenes allow pupils to have greater control over the objects they place in their picture. Once a pupil is happy with their finished scene they can print out the image for either assessment or display purposes.

Curriculum references
Art & Design KS2

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