Aims and objectives
Story Making bridges the gap between shared writing and imitative
modelling, and the more open-ended nature of activities such as
improvisational drama, and oral storytelling. Pupils use Story Making
to develop and enhance their writing by creating and exploring imaginary
worlds on the screen, discussing the scene created and then using
their work as a basis for extended story writing.
Previous knowledge
In order to create successful narrative, pupils need to understand
how to compose and experiment with story components. In moving from
KS1 they need to progress from oral language to the written word
and be taught to construct sentences and choose appropriate vocabulary
which will link their ideas coherently according to the audience
and purpose.
In the classroom
This is an activity which enables pupils to develop and enhance
their writing by creating and exploring familiar and imaginary worlds
on the screen, discussing the scene created and then using their
story beginning as a basis for extended story writing.
Story Making allows the pupil to choose the setting for their story
from a variety of realistic or imaginary settings (some using actual
photographs from local Kingston upon Hull settings). They then choose
the characters they want to be included in their story and any props
that may be required. Characters and props can be resized to add
authenticity. They can even add speech and thought bubbles with
text. When they are happy with their final story scene (or at any
point during the creative process) they can print out their work
and use it as a starting point for extended narrative writing and
further drama work.
Pupils can also chose to work with and print characters and bubbles
only, by clicking on the Characters option on the opening screen.
This will allow further work to be carried out in the classroom
on characterisation and dialogue.
Although the Story Making activity has separate sections for Key
Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, both can be used with either Key Stage.
Story Making has been designed in this way to be compatible with
the Literacy Strategy which specifies particular ranges of texts
for each Key Stage.
There are six settings, plus appropriate characters and props available
at KS1 and an additional four settings available at KS2. This makes
a total of ten settings and approximately thirty six characters
and thirty six props.
Story Making can be used in several ways:
· It can be used as a stimulus for extended writing
· It can be used for a stimulus for drama work. Pupils often
develop more meaningful use of language by drama work or role playing
which enables them to write successful stories in the role of a
· It allows children to work individually or in a variety
of groupings. Over the last few years, writing in KS1 and KS2 has
come to be been seen more as a social rather than solitary activity
and children benefit from a structured model of peer assisted and
collaborative writing.
The story scene prints out in portrait format by default. To print
it out in landscape format simply change the printer setting in
the Printer dialogue box which appears after you press the Print
option in the activity.
Support materials description: |
Additional materials are provided on using Story
Making in the classroom, its use within the Literacy Hour and
further ideas for extension work. Just click on the Download
Worksheet button. |
Curriculum references
English – KS1:
En3: 1a –f; 2a-d; 7c; 8; 9a-c; 10; 11; 12
English – KS2:
En3: 1a-e; 2a-f; 7d; 8; 9a-d; 11; 12