Aims and objectives
This resource contains a selection of illustrated traditional tales
from around the world together with supporting activities to meet
some of the requirements of the National Literacy Strategy.
Previous knowledge
Each story and set of activities are self-contained and so should
not need any prior knowledge.
In the classroom
Every pupil in the country is now required to study traditional
tales and fairy stories. In addition, the Literacy Strategy places
great emphasis on sequencing, characters and story settings.
This activity aims to help teachers by providing downloadable story
texts, illustrations and accompanying resources. The downloadable
resources are Word documents which allow the teacher to adapt them
according to the needs of the pupils. The worksheets can either
be printed off and used in the classroom or pupils can complete
them on the computer.
The stories can be read online by small groups of children as group
reading activities or used for whole class teaching with an interactive
whiteboard. The exception to this is the story, ‘Rani the
elephant’ which is an audio as well as written story. The
audio is available in English, Urdu and Gujurati.
For each story there are a set of downloadable
worksheets. These are in MS Word format so that pupils can either
work online or the files can be printed off for completing away
from the computer. The worksheets meet the following NLS requirements:
Character (Year
1, Term 2, Text Level 15)
Setting (Year 1,
Term 2, Text Level 16)
Sequencing (Year
1, Term 2, Text Level 14)
Illustrations – These
worksheets contain sets of illustrations taken from the stories
which can be copied and pasted by children and used to illustrate
their won stories.
Line drawings – These
are similar to the illustrations except they are outline drawings
and so can be printed off and used by children to colour in.
Story text – These
files contain the full text of the story, a useful teacher
resource for either reading in the class or for editing to
make further activities (e.g. removing punctuation etc.)
Curriculum references
English - KS1:
En3 1a-f; 2a-d; 3a-c; 7a-c; 9b; 12