Word Jigsaw

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Aims and objectives
This really flexible resource is a fun way to support and reinforce spellings. The integrated word banks cover all the words in the NLS but users can enter their own words to make the activities more focussed and relevant.

Previous knowledge
No great previous knowledge is required as the words and jigsaws all contain helpful clues and hints to support reinforcement of the spellings.

In the classroom
A fun and creative way to reinforce spellings whether taken from the NLS high frequency word bank or by entering your own words. Once you've entered your word, complete the jigsaw to see a picture.

This is a fun and creative way to reinforce spellings. Words can be randomly selected from a bank of over 350 words taken from the NLS high and medium frequency words. Alternatively, users can enter their own words (between 4 and 10 letters long).

Once a word has been chosen/entered a jigsaw puzzle is automatically created. By using drag and drop users complete the puzzle by placing the missing pieces (which each contain a letter from their chosen word) into the gaps.

This activity lends itself to interactive whiteboard application for whole class teaching.

Support materials description: Resource type:
Included with this resource is a printable copy of the NLS High and Medium Frequency Words used in this activity. High_frequency_words.pdf

Curriculum references
Foundation Stage – Early Learning Goals
Communication, language and literacy
Use their phonetic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex wordsRead a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently

Key Stage 1 – English
En2 1f, g, h
En3 4b

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