Aims and objectives
This activity is designed to help children gain an understanding
of the different signs and symbols used by the six major faiths
through a variety of artefacts.
Previous knowledge
Children will need to have had some experience of at least one of
the faiths. To help pupils with their understanding, it is recommended
that other activities such as ‘Holy books’, ‘Sacred
places’ and ‘Sacred sites’ be explored as well.
In the classroom
The activity is 'drag and drop' based. The pupil(s) makes a choice
as to which faith they would like Teddy to be. They are then faced
with a number of artefacts. Some of them relate to the chosen faith
and others don't. The task is for the pupil(s) to match the correct
images to the faith.
Teddy's Day Out works best when the pupil(s) are able to discuss
what they see and explain their choices. The activity is therefore
useful for whole class teaching with an interactive whiteboard or
small supervised group work.
Curriculum references
As this is an RE resource, there are no curriculum references for
this activity. Teachers will need to relate the learning objectives
to their own LEA’s agreed syllabus as appropriate.