Body Parts

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Aims and objectives
This activity is primarily aimed at younger pupils where English is not their first language. It is intended as a support to encourage children to identify and learn the names of the different body parts in both spoken and written form. The languages supported are: Bengali, English, Gujurati, Mirpuri, Punjabi and Urdu.

Previous knowledge
No previous knowledge is required for this resource.

In the classroom
This is a simple drag and drop activity which matches words with pictures and is aimed at supporting EAL speakers. Clicking on the words and pictures of the body parts provide audio as well as visual clues to encourage language development. Although supporting Literacy and community languages the activity also meets elements of the Science programmes of study.

This resource can be used by individual pupils, as an aid to developing language skills, or in small groups to encourage talk and language practice. It can also be used for larger group work if an interactive whiteboard is available.

Support materials description: Resources type:
The parts_of_the_body.pdf contains an annotated picture of a person with blank labels. Pupils can complete the labels to identify the different body parts. A completed version is included which, if printed onto card and laminated, can be used to either support pupils with their work or used as part of a display. parts_of_the_body.pdf

Curriculum references
Science - KS1:
Sc2: 2a

English - KS1:
En2: 7a

This activity has been designed to support the National Literacy Strategy requirements.

PSHE & citizenship – KS1:

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