Sarehole Mill

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Aims and objectives
This resource provides a virtual visit to an historic, working water mill. The background information provides a useful historical source while the detailed animations illustrate the mechanical principles.

Previous knowledge
This is a self-contained resource and so requires no real previous knowledge, however, a broad historical and industrial introduction would be useful in order to set a context.

In the classroom
The activity can be used for developing an understanding of how a water mill functions based on the historic Sarehole Mill (the influence behind Tolkien’s stories). The animations within the activity demonstrate a number of principals which support the D&T programmes of study such as gears and power transfer. The animations also provide useful models for classroom projects in designing and making activities. Sarehole Mill also provides an historical link through its changes of usage over the centuries. For pupils studying the Victorians or the Industrial Revolution the background information within the activity provides a contextual framework and a stimulating reference source.

The animations contained in the activity provide a strong visual reinforcement to the mechanics of a water mill. If used with an interactive whiteboard then they can be used as excellent whole class models to demonstrate and explore a variety of D&T issues.

Support materials description: Resources type:
The first sarehole_mill_teacher.pdf is a teacher resource pack created by Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery to support the KS2/3 study of a working water mill. The resource covers materials and mechanical functions as well as giving a complete social history. Although this resource is valuable as a study aid for either a pre- or post-visit to the site, the structure of the contents make it just a useful as a classroom resource if used in conjunction with the activity.

The second sarehole_mill.pdf is a history of Sarehole Mill from its origins to the late 1960s. This is a valuable secondary source piece of evidence for use in the history curriculum.



Curriculum references
History – KS2:
2a-d; 3; 4a-b; 5c; 8a; 11a

History – KS3:
2a-e; 3a-b; 4a-b; 5c; 7a, b; 10

D&T – KS2:
1a-d; 2a, b, d, e; 3a, b; 4a, b, c; 5b, c

D&T – KS3:
1a, b, c, d, f, g, h; 2a, b, c; 3a-c; 4a, b; 5d, e; 6a-c; 7c

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