The board is made like the example below, with 30 squares in 3 rows of 10, and the last squares as marked.
Four 'throw-sticks' are necessary. Use wooden lollipop sticks. One side is decorated or coloured and the other side is left plain.
Each player uses 7 counters, which in Ancient
Egypt would have been spools Playing 1. One player puts 7 counters on the odd-numbered squares, 1-13, and the other player puts 7 counters on the even-numbered squares, 2-14. 2. Each player drops the throw-sticks:
3. The first player to score 1 starts, and has to use whichever counters are on the even-numbered squares. 4. At the start of each turn, a player drops the four throw-sticks. The player can then move any counter as many squares as the throw has scored, but the counter can only be moved to an empty square or to one occupied by an undefended opposing counter. 5. A counter is undefended if the squares to either side of it are empty or are occupied by one or the other player's counters in adjacent squares, they are safe from attack. 6. If an undefended counter is attacked it is moved back to the square that the attacking counter came from. 7. If a player cannot move any counters forwards, a counter must be moved back by the score thrown. If no counters can be moved, the score is lost. 8. A throw of 5 gives a player an extra turn. 9. All the counters have to land on Square 26 before they can go any further. The exact number must be thrown to reach this square. 10. Once on Square 26, a throw of 5 takes the counter off the board. Throws of 2, 3 or 4 take it to Squares 28, 29 or 30 respectively. To leave the board from Square 28 requires a throw of 3, from Square 29 a 2 and from 30 a 1. 11. If an undefended counter on Squares 28, 29 or 30 is attacked it moves back to Square 27. A player with a counter on Square 27 cannot move any other counters until a 4 has been thrown to remove the counter on Square 27 from the board. 12. The first player to remove all his or her counters from the board is the winner. Click on the picture of the Board and/or the Throwsticks to open full sized files for printing If you want to play a game of Senet on the
Internet then try the following web site: