Check-Out Challenge

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Aims and objectives
This set of activities are aimed at developing pupils mental agility and their recall of number facts relating to problem solving with money.

Previous knowledge
Pupils should already have some knowledge and understanding as well as experience of working with money (decimals).

In the classroom
This set of games encourages pupils to practice and test their mental arithmetic skills by challenging them to work as a cashier in a virtual store and serve as many customers as possible in the allotted time. Pupils have to calculate then make up the correct change, making sure they don't give too little or too much of the store's money away!

This resource is a fun way to practice and develop mental maths strategies for problem solving using money. Pupils would normally work individually as there is a time and outcome element to the game. At the end of the game pupils receive a printed resume of their of their time at the till which acts as a useful assessment tool or record of achievement.

The activities can be used with larger groups of pupils or even as a whole class if projected on to a whiteboard. The nature of the activity makes it an excellent and motivating mental starter to the numeracy hour.

Please note that the music can be turned off and on by clicking the 'music off' button on the left side of the screen.

Curriculum references
Mathematics - KS1
Ma2 1a-d; 2c; 3c, d; 4a, b

Mathematics - KS2
Ma2 1a, b, d, e; 2i; 3d, e; 4a, b, c

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