Money Boxes worksheet 1- Part 2

2. Circle the correct notation for each sum of money:

EG: Two pounds and five pence

£2.50 £2.55

1. Ten pounds and two pence
6. Ninety pounds and nine pence
£10.02 £10.20 £12.10
£90.90 £90.09 £19.09

2. Thirty seven pounds and nineteen pence
7. One hundred and five pounds twenty six pence
£19.37 £37.90 £37.19
£100.26 £115.26 £105.26

3. Eighty two pounds and eleven pence
8. Fifty four pounds and three pence
£82.11 £11.82 £28.11
£45.30 £54.03 £54.30

4. Three hundred and forty one pounds and ten pence
9. Twelve pounds and ninety nine pence
£314.10 £310.41 £341.10
£21.99 £12.99 £1.99

5. Fifty three pounds and one penny
10. Eight hundred and one pound ten pence
£53.01 £51.03 £53.10
£810.10 £801.01 £801.10