Money Boxes - Worksheet 5 - part 1 & 2

Money Problems

If you follow these steps whenever you tackle a problem you should always come up with the correct answer!

STEP 1. Take your time and READ the question!
STEP 2. Work out what operation(s) you will need to use + - x or ÷.
STEP 3. Always make a rough estimate of the answer. Then you can check if your final
answer makes sense.
STEP 4. Work out the solution
STEP 5. Check your answer. Does your answer make sense? Does it tie in with your
STEP 6. Read the question again and check that you have answered all parts.

Now try these questions:

1. I want to buy four DVDs. They cost £15.99 each.
How much will they cost altogether?
How much change will I get from £100?

2.This is the menu at a café:

Burger Chips Pie Coffee Coke Milkshake Ice cream
£1.45 85p £1.25 85p 76p 95p 49p

How much would it cost to buy:
a. a burger and chips for two people?
b. pie and chips for four people?
c. a portion of chips and a coke?
d. six milkshakes and two coffees?
e. chips and coke for nine people?
What change from £5 will I have if I buy:
f. a pie and and an ice cream?
g. three coffees?
h. two cokes and a burger?
i. four portions of chips?
j. four pies?