Interactive Multiplier

Start Activity

Aims and objectives
This activity helps pupils to develop their mental recall of number facts by testing their skills in the multiplication of integers up to 99. The activity can be made more difficult by the inclusion of decimals up to 99.9.

Previous knowledge
Pupils need to have a basic understanding of multiplication and it would be beneficial if pupil knowledge extended to include the times tables up to 10. However, as the activity can be made as easy or as hard as the teacher wants, pupils of lesser ability can be accommodated although this may restrict the variation of the randomised questions.

In the classroom
The opening screen allows the user to choose between integers or decimals. Once a choice has been made the next screen prompts the pupil (or teacher) to select the lowest and highest multipliers and the lowest and highest multiplicands.

Starting the activity also sets a timer running so that pupils can check the number of correct answers made in a given time. This can be a useful support for mental maths activities as part of the National Numeracy Strategy.

A choice to produce questions based on a single digit number multiplied by a 2 digit number up to 20 would be:

· Multiplier - lowest = 0 and highest = 9
· Multiplicand - lowest = 10 and highest = 20

To create a set of questions based on multiplication up to the 5 times table the entries would be:

· Multiplier - lowest = 1 and highest = 5
· Multiplicand - lowest = 1 and highest = 5

The activity contains a timer making this a fun and effective way to assess pupil skills. At the end of the pre-agreed time with a pupil the ‘print’ button provides a paper output of the number of questions the pupil attempted and the number answered (in)correctly together with the parameters on which the questions were based. Visiting this resource periodically allows teachers and pupils to measure progression and identify areas where additional support may be required.

This resource is a ‘one-to-one’ activity (not really suited to group or whole class work) making it perfectly suited as either a practice area for individual pupils needing support or, by making the questions a little more taxing, as an extension activity.

Support materials description: Resources type:
The interactive_multiplier.pdf has a large-scale number/multiplication 100 square suitable for printing out for use in the classroom. Alternatively, the worksheet, if printed on stiff paper, can be laminated and used with a dry-marker pen or printed onto acetate for use with an OHP. interactive_multiplier.pdf

Curriculum references
Mathematics – KS2

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