Road Safety Wordsearch

Requires Macromedia Authorware Player
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Aims and objectives
The online crossword is a fun way to introduce children to road safety issues, in particular those relating to cycling and the Green Cross Code.

Previous knowledge
No real previous knowledge is required although familiarity with basic road safety issues would be useful.

In the classroom
The online wordsearch is a fun way to introduce children to road safety issues, in particular those relating to cycling.

The wordsearch can be played online by finding and clicking on the start letter and then clicking the end letter of the identified word. If correct the word will highlight itself and a tick will appear next to the word in the word list (an incorrect choice will have no effect).

For each correctly identified answer there is additional information displayed which explains the issue in a little more details and can act as a discussion prompt if used with larger groups with an interactive whiteboard.

Support materials description: Resources type:
This is a support activity for the ‘Road Safety Crossword’ activity. The Government web site supporting road safety is at: and is full of resources, ideas, games and fact sheets. The site is an extension of the official ‘hedgehogs’ road safety campaign. hedgehogs web site

Curriculum references
PSHE & Citizenship – KS2:
3e, f

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