"The School Council' A Children's Guide"

Cost £5 (inc.p + p)

Produced by Faye Sutton

"The School Council" A Children's Guide provides an interactive and colourful step by step guide to being in a School Council. The guide is aimed at Primary Schools with existing Children's Councils or with plans to develop one.

Written from a child's perspective the guide was developed after a series of workshops with Prince Albert Junior School Council, with additional contributions from Springfield Junior School Council, both based in Birmingham.

The guide provides a comprehensive journey through all of the issues that are involved in developing a School Council with the cartoon character "Pen Pal" acting as a tour guide. The guide features the children's own words, expressions and artwork including illustrations by a young person.

The guide contains ten parts including a case study of a School Council and information on why schools should have a Council; elections; meetings; roles and photocopiable pages that can be used by children. The Guide also contains information on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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