Holy Books

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Aims and objectives
The Holy Books Challenge is a series of short interactive activities aimed at developing a pupil's awareness of differences and similarities between the six major faiths.

Previous knowledge
Pupils should have some prior knowledge, and a basic understanding, of all of the six main faiths.

In the classroom
This is a series of simple activities based around the Holy Books taken from Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. Each activity tests pupil knowledge of the scriptures and the signs and symbols of the different faiths. The last activity in the Challenge is a quiz.

The activities consist of:

· Which Book? - matching the holy scripture to the faith
· Wordy Books - a word search
· Religious Artefact - matching the artefact to the faith
· Are You a Bookworm? - a quiz to test how much pupils know about sacred texts

The activities can be used individually or as a consecutive series depending on classroom/curriculum needs. Where pupils have a less ‘all-round’ experience of other faiths, this activity can be used with an interactive whiteboard for whole class teaching where pupils could be guided towards the correct answers through teacher-led discussion.

Support materials description: Resources type:
Included with this activity are worksheets which contain copies of the artefacts relating to each of the six faiths. Christianity.pdf

Curriculum references
As this is an RE resource, there are no curriculum references for this activity. Teachers will need to relate the learning objectives to their own LEA’s agreed syllabus as appropriate.

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