Aims and objectives
This resource provides both teachers and students with a basic introduction
to the six main faiths in terms of the principles of the faith and
its associated artefacts.
Previous knowledge
No previous knowledge is required.
In the classroom
Sacred Sites allows you to enter a place of worship and find out
all about the artefacts you are likely to encounter. You can choose
any place of worship from the six major faiths. They are:
· Buddhism
· Christianity
· Hinduism
· Islam
· Judaism
· Sikhism
This activity is an excellent overview of artefacts found in a
variety of places of worship. Entering the activity allows you to
chose a place of worship. Introductory text explains the basis of
the chosen faith while clicking the artefact button displays a series
of religious objects together with descriptions about their significance
and usage.
The resource provides a useful introduction for students wishing
to visit a place of worship. Included with the description of each
faith is a short ‘Rules of etiquette’ paragraph to ensure
that visitors are respectful when entering the building.
Curriculum references
As this is an RE resource, there are no curriculum references for
this activity. Teachers will need to relate the learning objectives
to their own LEA’s agreed syllabus as appropriate.