Here are just a few ideas to try out and get you thinking about
the late medieval period.
Earl of Northumberland
In this activity
there are no pictures of Henry Percy, the Earl of Northumberland.
Despite extensive research we have not been able to find any although
there are plenty of pictures of his predecessors and successors.
In addition, general information about the Earl is very limited.
Why do you think this may be?
was it like at the Battle of Bosworth?
Imagine what
it must have been like to be at Bosworth in 1485. Read all the
information and then try and put yourself in the place of one
of the main characters. What would a diary entry look like for
August 22nd? Write an account of the day's events.
Historical Bias
Both Richard and Henry had very different ideas, especially about
who was the rightful heir to the throne. Write an account of the
events as if you were Richard. Now, try and write an account as
if you were Henry. What are the differences between the two accounts?
Do you think that historians sometimes tell their stories favouring
one person over another?
Was Richard III
a good King?
In small groups, look at the evidence and create an argument to
prove that Richard was a good King. To do this you may need to
emphasise some facts as being 'good' and play down some other
facts in order to complete your argument. Now test your argument
against another group and see if you can make them believe you!
Could history have
been different?
Look at all the evidence and then try and imagine what would have
happened in England if Henry had lost the battle. How would things
have been different? Try and write an account which rewrites history
- not as easy as it sounds!
Late medieval warfare
Use the Internet to research and find out all about medieval warfare.
Once you have done your research, create a presentation for the
rest of the class, using illustrations of the weapons, to support
your findings.
The Stanleys
The Stanleys weren't the most trustworthy of families. Gather
all the evidence you can to support this claim. Can you interpret
the facts to show a different side of the argument? Create a short
presentation that you can show to the rest of the class that gives
both sides of the argument.
Recreate the Battle
of Bosworth
Why not split the class into four groups to represent the Stanleys,
Northumberland's troops, Henry's supporters and Richard's army.
Using the evidence, recreate the battle in the hall/gym. An exciting
drama can be created around the events so why not wite some dialogue
as well? Use the Internet to gather more information so that everyone
can be allocated a part. Use the findings from the Medieval
Warfare task to make costumes and props. You could even try
different strategies and see if the outcome can be changed i.e.
by placing Henry Tudor's troops on the top of Ambien Hill rather
than at the bottom of the hill (next to the marshes) would Richard's
cavalry have been hampered?