6th Century BCE offshoot of Hinduism founded by Prince Siddhartha, later Buddha
(The Enlightened One).
Basic beliefs:
Buddhists accept the Hindu cycle of lives and offer a route of release (Nirvana)
through a code of correct behaviour and discipline based on the four Noble Truths
- 1) All existence is unhappiness. 2) Unhappiness comes from selfish desire
3) Desire can be cured. 4) The way to Nirvana is the Eightfold Path. There is
no concept of God or worship.
Sacred Texts:
Tipitaka - compiled after Buddha's death.
The Eightfold Path urges right views, desires, speech, conduct,
livelihood, effort, awareness and meditation. Many schools of Buddhist thought
have developed, though reverence for all forms of life is common to all.