The oldest of the great monotheistic (i.e. One God) religions (1300 BC).

Basic beliefs:
There is a single, eternal, invisible God (Yahweh, Jehovah) Who created the world. The Jews are His "Chosen People", enjoying a special relationship with Him.

Sacred Texts:
Torah (The Mosaic Law - basically the Old Testament Pentateuch), Talmud (Religious & Civil Laws) composed of Mishnah (Oral Law) and Gemara (Scholarly commentaries).

Essentially a social and family religion concerned with every aspect of life. Lacking on official creed or central authority, stress is laid on right behaviour, rather than doctrine - Man's duty is to serve God with all his being. Rabbi's are scholars and teachers rather then priests. Orthodox Jews maintain strict dietary laws, practice circumcision etc. There are also Reform, Conservative, Liberal and Progressive movements with less rigorous practices.