Aims and objectives
This is a series of investigations and activities developed to
help pupils understand about microbes and the parts they play
in human health.
Previous knowledge
Although this resource assumes either no knowledge or misconceptions
regarding microbes, it would be useful for students to have a
broad mathematical base (for recording and analysing results
in spreadsheet format) and a structured understanding of creating
and conducting fair tests.
In the classroom
There are many misunderstandings about what microbes are and how
they can harm us or do us good. This series of investigations
will help students understand what microbes are and how they can
affect our health.
The activities are centred around the process of making bread
and the actions of yeast. Included in the activities are suggested
investigations into tests to measure the actions of water, sugar
and yeast in the production of carbon dioxide.
The series of activities can be broken down into units of work
which will support medium term planning. These can be worked on
by small groups of students who periodically report back to the
class for peer and teacher assessment. Alternatively, the units
can be used for home learning activities to enhance or extend existing
Support materials description: |
Resource type: |
The first worksheet suggests a basis for one method to collect and
record the production of CO2 and, by altering variables, create and test predictions. |
Making_bread.pdf |
The second worksheet contains a recipe for students
to make a loaf of plain white bread. |
Plain_white_bread.pdf |
Curriculum references
Science – KS3
Sc1 1b; 2c, d, e, g, i, j,
k, l, n, p
Sc2 1a-e, n
Sc3 2h