Aims and objectives
This activity aims to model kinetic theory by demonstrating that matter is made
up of small particles which are constantly in motion - the higher the temperature
the faster the particles move.
Previous knowledge
Although the resource introduces kinetic theory from scratch, pupils
will need to understand the concept that matter is made up of particles.
In the classroom
The kinetic theory of matter states that matter is made up of small
particles which are constantly in motion. The higher the temperature
the faster the particles move. In a solid the particles are close
together, moving very little, and attract one another strongly.
In a liquid the particles are further apart, moving and as a result
the attraction between each particle is less. In a gas the particles
are very far apart, moving fast and there is no attraction between
them. The animation attempts to model this relationship and t he questions
are provided to promote discussion based upon the kinetic model.
The kinetic model of matter is an important idea that can be
tackled at a variety of levels. To link the animation to NC 'Scientific
Enquiry' it would be useful to emphasise that the animation is
trying to model how matter behaves and as a model it will have
flaws. As part of this discussion the pupils' attention should
be drawn to the assumptions at the beginning of the animation.
Used with an interactive whiteboard, this resource will provide
an engaging entry for the whole class into kinetic theory. The
assumptions at the start of the activity can promote class discussion
while the questions at the end of the activity provide direction
for further research opportunities.
Support materials description: |
Resource type: |
The Changing_Matter.pdf illustrates the principals
of kinetic theory using pictures from the activity. Pupils
are asked to describe what is happening during each stage in
their own words. This gives teachers an assessment opportunity
to measure pupil understanding and ability to use appropriate
scientific language. |
Changing_matter.pdf |
Curriculum references
Science – KS3:
Sc1; 1a, b; 2a, d;
Sc3; 1a, b; 2a-c