Chemical Equations

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Aims and objectives
This activity is a useful assessment/revision tool for pupils studying KS4 Science and has a focus around solving and balancing chemical equations.

Previous knowledge
Students will need to have a basic understanding of the principals of balanced equations although it is not necessary to know all the different chemical symbols used in the resource. The accompanying Periodic Table may provide a little teacher support.

In the classroom
This activity is can be used as additional revision support for GCSE study or as a homework project.

This activity has 15 chemical equations that need completing. Starting the activity leads directly to the first equation where students can choose one of three options to fill the gap in the equation. Students need to look carefully at the equation to determine what may be missing before choosing their option. If they are right they will get a 'tick' and the equation will be completed.

At any point students can go to the help area where they can read about why and how they can balance chemical equations.

The activity can be used by individual students, in small groups or, with the help an interactive whiteboard, with a whole class. Involving the whole class in the activity can help stimulate discussion and so identify areas where additional teaching input or support can be provided.

Support materials description: Resource type:
The Periodic_Table.pdf contains a copy of the Periodic Table which can be printed out for reference or laminated for display purposes. Periodic_table.pdf

Curriculum references
Single Science – KS4:
Sc3; 3a, b, f, g

Double Science – KS4:
Sc3; 3a, b, k, l, m

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