- Benton
P.,The History of Rochford Hundred,vol.II,(1883),p.803;
Davies,C.S.L.,Peace,Print and Protestantism,1450-1558,(1977),p.171
- Williams,C.H.,English
Historical Documents,1485-1558,(1967),p.745
- Dickens,A.G.,The
English Reformation,(1969),p.154;
- Benton,P.,The
History of Rochford Hundred,vol.II,(1882),p.793
- Williams,C.H.,English
Historic Documents,1485-1558(1967),p.719;
- ibid.,p.721;
- Emmison,F.G.,Sir
William Petre - Tudor Secretary,(1961),p.16;
- ibid.,p.ix,];
- Dickin,E.P.,
'The Army at Tilbury', in Transactions of the Essex Archaeological
Society, XXIII,pt.I;
- John
Norden's Map survives as a manuscript in the Mildmay collection, E.R.O.
reference D/DMs P1 and elsewhere, [a version presented to Queen Elizabeth
I is now Addit.MS.33769 in the British Library and another, given
to Lord Burghley, is at Hatfield House];
- William
Camden quoted in Smith,J.,Essex and the Sea,(1970,E.R.O.Publication
- Emmison,F.G.
& R.A.Skelton, 'The Description of Essex by John Norden,1594,'
in The Geographical Journal, vol.CXXIII, (March 1957);
- Thomas
Larke's Survey of Ingatestone Hall, 1566;
- Hector,L.C.,The
Handwriting of English Documents, (1958 & reprinted),p.41, for
an interesting but difficult explanation of 'auditor's usage';
- Edwards,A.C.,John
Petre, Essays on the Life and background of John, 1st Lord Petre,1549-1613,(1975);
- E.R.O.
reference D/DP A17
- Victoria
History of the County of Essex ,vol.IX,(1994),pp.67-132;
- V.C.H.,p.67;
- Tate,W.E.,The
Parish Chest,(1960),p.44
- St.Mark's
Gospel chapter 2;
- Gaur,A.,A
History of Writing,(1992 reprint),pp.157-9;
- The
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, (England), An Inventory
- The Monuments of North- East Essex, (1923);
- Pilgrim,J.E.,'The
Rise of the New Draperies in Essex', re-print from University of Birmingham
Historical Journal, VII,No.1, (1959), E.R.O.reference Box 124, p.41]
- Edelin,G.,The
Description of England,(1994,Folger Shakespeare Library);
- A
concept of 'change' and human involvement with it are key elements
in the teaching and learning of National Curriculum, indeed of any
form of 'history.' The selection presented here is from the Camelot
edition of 1876;
- 400th
anniversary pamphlet William Harrison of Radwinter and Wimbish, produced
by the Parishes of St.Mary the Virgin, Radwinter and All Saints, Wimbish,
E.R.O. reference Pamphlet Box 158;
- The
Dictionary of National Biography;
- The
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, (England), An Inventory
- Essex, (1923), vol.II, under 'Waltham Holy Cross;
Pevsner,N.,The Buildings of England - Essex,(1965),p.405,
- Transactions
of the Essex Archaeological Society,vol.V,(1873),p.54 et seq.
- V.C.H.vol.II,p.3;
- Newton,K.C.,The
Church and Religious Houses as Landowners with special reference to
Essex, an un-published talk to the Historical Association (Essex Branch)
& V.C.H., vol.II,pp.89-90;
- Grieve,H.E.P.,The
Sleepers and the Shadows-Chelmsford: a town, its people and its past,(1988),p.92;
- Davies,C.S.L.,Peace,Pint
and Protestantism,(1977),p.193;
- Grieve,H.E.P.,loc.cit.;
- V.C.H.
vol.II,pp.98-100 and Morant,P.,The History and Antiquities of Essex,(1768),vol.I,p146;
- Grieve,H.E.P.,op.cit.,p.83;
- Edwards,.A.C.,Essex
Monasteries, (1964, E.R.O.Publication number 41, item 39);
- quoted
in Prall,S.E.,The Puritan Revolution,(1968),p.25;
- See
other receipt transcribed by H.E.P.Grieve in Examples of English Handwriting,
1150-1750,( 1981, fifth impression), plate XXIII;
- E.R.O.
reference D/AEA 14;
- E.R.O.
reference D/B 3/1/8;
- Dictionary
of National Biography;
- Hampden,J.,(ed.),Hakluyt's
The Tudor Venturers,(1970),p.193;
- Murray,K.M.E.,Caught
in the Web of Words - James A.H.Murray & the Oxford English Dictionary,
(1977,Yale),ISBN 0 300 02131 3;
- E.R.O.Schools
Service Old Series Transcript T57;
- Core
Study Unit 2 of History in the National Curriculum,(England),January
1995, p.7
- Murray,K.M.E.,Caught
in the Web of Words - James A.H.Murray & the Oxford English Dictionary,
(1977,Yale),ISBN 0 300 02131 3
- available
from E.R.O. Schools Service as Transcript T401;
- Dovey,Z.,An
Elizabethan Progress, The Queen's Journey into East Anglia, 1578,(1996,Alan
Sutton,ISBN 0 7509 1040 2),pp.1-6;
- ibid.
- ibid.pp.37-8;
- E.R.O.
Schools Service Transcript T122;
E.R.O.Exhibition Label - 'The Petre Family in Essex';
- Young,A.R.,Elizabeth
Lowys: Witch and Social Victim, 1564' in History Today,(December 1972),
and Gibson,J.,Hanged for Witchcraft,(1988,Tudor Press, Canberra);
- For
the sources of this Prentice Case and the extensive commentary upon
them, we are indebted to a talk delivered at Essex Branch of the Historical
Association on 5 October 1996 by Dr.Clive Holmes of Lady Margaret
Hall College, Oxford;
ASSI 35/31/2;
- A
Dialogue Concerning Witches and Witchcraftes,(1593), C2;
- see
C.L.Ewen's figures of persons indicted in the home circuit, 1560-1700,
where Essex has 299 and Kent the next highest total is 91, quoted
in Macfarlane,A.,Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart Essex,(1970),p.61;
- Macfarlane,
A., ibid,,p.7;
- Scarre,G.,Witchcraft
and Magic in C16th and C17th Europe,(1987),p.20;
- Geoffrey
Parker's comments in History Today,(November, 1980);
- Iredale,D.Enjoying
- Rowley,N.R.,Essex
Towns, 1540-1640,(1979), [E.R.O. Publication No.53,'Introduction'];
- Grieve,H.E.P.,The
Sleepers and the Shadows - Chelmsford: A Town, its people and its
Dobson,M.J.,'When Malaria was an English Disease' in The Geographical
Magazine,(February, 1982),pp.94-99;
- Letter
1 of his Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain, Rogers,P.,(Ed.)Penguin
E.R.O. Schools Service Transcript T122;
- Carlisle,N.,Survey
of Endowed Grammar Schools, 1818 - E.R.O. reference library 373.24;
- Tate,W.E.,The
Parish Chest,(1960),pp.8,9,44;
- Friar,S.,The
Batsford Companion to Local History,(1991),p.279;
- Lewer,H.W.,&
J.C.Wall,The Church Chests of Essex,(1913),p.xiv
- Holst,I.,Byrd,(1972),pp.17
& 37;
- Fellowes,E.H.,William
- Turbet,W.,Willam
Byrd - A Guide to Research,(1987), Appendix B;
- Oxley,J.E.,The
Reformation in Essex to the death of Mary,(1965),pp.210-214;
- Dictionary
of National Biography;
- Dowsett,D.C.,Dunmow
through the Ages,(c.1968),p.58;
D.Shanahan in 'Petticoats on the Gallows' in Essex Recusant, vol.X,No.3,(1968),pp.107-110;
- McGrath,P.,Papists
and Puritans under Elizabeth I, (1967),pp.265-