Aims and objectives
The pupil will understand the term "two more than". They
will be able to add two more to a given number between 1 and 20.
Previous knowledge
Pupils can count up to twenty and back again in ones. They are aware of
most of the vocabulary associated with comparing and ordering numbers.
In the classroom
The pupil will see a set of randomly placed number cards from
to 1 to 20. One number is highlighted. The pupil has
to click on the number that is 2 more. Pupils clicking
on the correct number move forward to the next task. Pupils
clicking on an incorrect answer are asked to try again. If
pupils are having difficulty, a message will tell them to ask the
teacher for help. When the pupil finishes the activity, a
score appears. The higher the score, the more praise they
Pupils can access an on-line number track by clicking
on the question mark in the bottom left of the screen.
This activity, if used with an interactive whiteboard, allows the
teacher to select children to pick their answers and talk about their
decision to the rest of the class. Other children in the class can
provide help and support to their peers.
Support materials description: |
Resource type: |
The first worksheet offers teachers the
opportunity to develop pupils' mental agility. As part
of a whole-class activity, pupils can cut out the number
cards. When the teacher asks, "What is two
more than 10?", pupils respond by holding the correct
card in the air. More able pupils can make up questions
for the rest of the class. |
Cards1.pdf |
The second worksheet asks pupils to complete number sequences. Each sequence
counts on in twos and the sequences increase in difficulty. |
More_sequence1.pdf |
The final >worksheet asks the child to complete number sentences by adding 2. In
this way, the original activity is reinforced and extended. |
More_sequence2.pdf |
Curriculum references Key Stage 1 - Numeracy Strategy:
- Count reliably at least 20 objects
- Read, write and order numbers from 0 to at least 20; understand
and use the vocabulary of comparing and ordering these numbers