Numeracy problems to solve for Key Stage 1, 2 and 3
Start with a square piece of card (8 cm x 8 cm is a convenient size) and cut it into the seven pieces shown (or you can print this page and cut out the square below).
Now try fitting the pieces together to form the shapes below. Note all seven pieces must be used. This is an ancient Chinese puzzle which is ageless. Answer: There are hundreds of possible shapes. To find out more about tangrams go to: http://www.tangrams.ca/ or try the interactive tangram at http://enchantedmind.com/puzzles/tangram/tangram.html
Using all twelve of your short straws in each case show how to make:
What other arrangements can you make using all the straws? Answer: Here are two different equilateral triangles using all of the short straws:
On his deathbed
the elderly Arab gathered his three sons Arab the eldest was to have half of the camels. Azis the second son was to have a third and Abdul the youngest was to have an eight share. Initially pleased with their lot the sons soon realised they had a problem for they couldn't see how they could divide 23 camels into their allotted shares without slaughtering some of them. In their anguish
they turned to their late father's revered Ahab took 12, his half share, Azis then took 8, his third, and Abdul then took 3, his eight share, and then returned his uncle's camel to him with much thanks. Where is the catch? Answer: The secret
is here that: When the uncle lent one camel the sons received 12, 8 and 3 camels respectively. But had they not been lent the extra camel they would have received 11.5, 7.66 and 2.875 camels each. Because the kind uncle lent them the camel every son actually received slightly more than they should have done. |