Solve it...!













































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Numeracy problems to solve for Key Stage 1, 2 and 3

Key Stage 1     Solve it...!    
Aardvark Puzzles

This company is testing a new product.


Print out and arrange the five pieces below to make one big chessboard square.

Cross Number

Add the multiplications up and write the answer in the correct square below.

1. 39 - 19 2. 80 - 5
4. 80 - 9 3. 53 - 26
7. 41 - 17 5. 75 - 63
8. 96 - 4 6. 78 - 39

Add up the digits in the squares. Write your total in the sun.

1. 64 - 17 2. 80 - 5
4. 80 - 9 3. 53 - 26
7. 41 - 17 5. 75 - 63
8. 96 - 4 6. 78 - 39

Subtract the total of the digits in the squares from 50.

Write your answer in the sun.

Key Stage 2 and 3  Solve it...! 
Aardvark Puzzles

This company is testing a new product.

Print out and arrange the five pieces below to make one big chessboard square.

Aardvark need to design a larger chessboard. This square chessboard needs to contain 81 small squares. It has a minimum of four and maximum of seven pieces. Can you help Aardvark puzzles design this?

An extra task

Can you design a similar puzzle using the hexagon template given?

Make 100

Put in + - x to make 100

1    2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     =     100

Five 5s to make 100

5     5    5     5     5     =    100

There are at least 3 ways. Use any mathematical operator.

Base and Ball = Games

Each letter of the alphabet used represents a single digit number. What are those numbers?


Links on this page:
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 3


The answers are variable



























































These problems were sourced by
North East Lincolnshire's Numeracy Team

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