Numeracy problems to solve for Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 from our Numeracy Team. Formula 1 motor racing is very competitive! Recent results for the top eight drivers are shown in the table below. In the blank spares for each round, write in the points scored by the drivers. Click here for the score table and the tasks The Grand Prix Day Out Task
Target Travel are to hire all of swift and sure's vehicles. How many people can travel to the British Grand Prix using swift and sure coaches? Work out the amount of money that Target Travel Agents will receive for each type of vehicle.
An extra task An extra 80 people have booked seats but swift and sure can only get Taxis or people carriers.
The Swift and Sure coach company has a range of vehicles for hire. Work out the total number of vehicles the firm can provide.
Target Travel are to hire swift and sure's vehicles to travel to the Grand Prix. How many people can be taken to the Grand Prix in total? A further 84 people have booked seats. Swift and sure can only obtain taxis and people carriers. How many taxis, people carriers or a combination are required to carry the extra 84 people?
An extra task Calculate the revenue obtained by Target Travel Agents. You should include that revenue generated by the taxi and people carrier combination which is most cost-efficient. Testing times To find out the starting positions for a Grand Prix, each driver is timed for three practice laps. The best time out of the three is then used to work out the drivers' positions on the starting positions on the starting grid. Task
As the drivers get used to the track their times become better in general. Who has made the biggest improvement between practice lap 2 and 3? Which driver has made the best improvement between laps 1 and 3? An extra challenge Would the starting order you found in (1) be the same if you calculated the mean (average) lap time? Explain, what is this starting order? |