Numeracy problems to solve for Key Stage 1, 2 and 3
She decides to arrange them side by side in a row. How many different ways could she arrange them? If you can't pay for it with Pentas and Septies you get it FREE! The money on the planet Ziggus has only two coins: the septie worth 7 zig and the penta worth 5 zigs. (A zig is the unit of currency like the euro or pound.) All things in the shops are priced so that they can be paid for without the need ever to give change. If a ziggusian spots something that can't be paid for exactly, using multiples of the two coins, they get if FREE! Helmet 58 zigs Candy 13 zigs Marbles 36 zigs Snooker Table 97 zigs Which of these things can't be paid for exactly?