Numeracy problems
to solve for Key Stage 1, 2 and 3
Stage 1 Solve it...!
My calculator's broken!
The 7 button on your calculator
is broken.
Can you find 5 ways of making the number 27 on your calculator?
Find as many different ways you can to make the number 73 on your calculator.
How would you find the total of 13 and 57 on your calculator?
An extra task
Challenge yourself to make other numbers which have a 7 digit in them.
Try making up these numbers with the 5 and 2 keys broken. 10, 25, 56,
50. Choose a different digit key which won't work. Choose some numbers
for your friend to make.
Stage 2 & 3 Solve it...!
Sacks |
Standing by the shop door
were five sacks.
Sacks A and B weighed 12kg.
Sacks B and C weighed 13.5kg.
Sacks C and D weighed 11.5kg.
Sacks D and E weighed 8 kg.
Sacks A,C and E together weighed 16kg.
Can you find the weight of each sack?