Literacy problems to solve for Key Stage 1, 2 and 3
Stage 1
and 2 Wordswork! |
Print and cut out both sets. Pick one from Set A and one from Set B
to create a sentence. How many sentences can you create? They can be
as funny as you like so long as they obey the rules of a sentence.
Set A
The small brown
dog |
A large black car |
Nine small ducks |
The whole football
team |
Peter and Jenny |
Norbert, the dragon |
A large,
gray elephant |
Set B
ran after the ball. |
zoomed round the
corner. |
rushed onto the
field. |
flapped his great,
gray, wings. |
waddled slowly towards
the pond. |
were climbing over
the gate. |
sat in the tree. |
This passage is the second paragraph from Charles Dickens'
novel Bleak House.
Work with a
partner to read it aloud together a couple of times before you start
to answer the questions. Try to make your reading as atmospheric as
Fog everywhere.
fog up the river, where it flows among green aits and meadows; fog down
the river, where it rolls defiled among the tiers of shipping, and the
waterside pollution of a great (and dirty) city. Fog on the Essex Marshes;
fog on the Kentish heights. Fog creeps into the caboose of collier-brigs;
fog lying out on the yards, and hovering in the rigging of great ships;
fog drooping on the gunwales of barges and small boas. Fog in the eyes
and throats of ancient Greenwich pensioners, wheezing by the fireside
of the wards; fog in the stem and bowl of the afternoon pipe of the
wrathful skipper, down in his close cabin; fog cruelly pinching the
fingers and toes of his shivering little prentice boy on deck. Chance
people on the bridges peeping over the parapets in to a nether sky of
fog, with fog all around them , as if they were up in a balloon, and
hanging in the misty clouds.
- None of the 'sentences'
in this paragraph are complete sentences.
- Read the passage aloud again, but make each sentence a complete
sentence by:
- putting the words 'There was' at the beginning
of each of the first five sentences
- putting the words 'and there was' after each semi-colon(;)
- putting the words 'There were' at the beginning
of sentence 6.
- Discuss together:
- How does it sound?
- Why do you think dickens chose to write this paragraph in
incomplete sentences?
- a. How many times is the word fog repeated?
b. What is the effect
of repeating fog so many times?
- a. How many words are
there in each 'sentence'?
b. Discuss together:
- Each 'sentence' except the last has the same basic structure: Fog
+ where the fog is.
Discuss together:
- What is the effect of repeating the same sentence structure over
and over again?
- What is the effect of making the last 'sentence' different?
5. 'Sentence' 2 is in two
- What content can you find between the two sections of the 'sentence'?
- Are there similar contrasts in any other 'sentences'?
6. a. What verbs are used
to describe the fog's actions? e.g. creeping
b. What verbs are used
to describe the people's actions? e.g. peeping
c. What impression do
these verbs give?
7. Have a go at writing
your own description in a similar style:
- You might repeat the
word gloom, and describe school on the day before exams
- You might repeat the
words excitement, and describe school on the day a soap
star visits.
- You might repeat the
word snow, and describe a winter day in your town.
- You might repeat the
word mice, and describe a plague in school.
Wordswork was from
North East Lincolnshire's Literacy Team