for Teachers on
Drug Awareness
here for general information for teachers about Fit for Football,
Fit for Life. This includes extra information about printing, links
to all the information for teachers sections and general information.
Teacher information about 'Drug Awareness' is on this page.
A series of lessons
on drugs and their effects.
1 - What Are Drugs? |
to work through 'what are drugs?' sheet and 'when have you taken
a drug?'
Whole class
discussion about taking medicines - see discussion questions on
'when have you taken a drug?'
To end the
session work through and discuss what are drugs? - Molly and Michael
2 - Drugs In School Survey |
to the lesson, send 2 children around the school to ask teachers/office
staff about what drugs are kept in the classroom/office/medical
rooms. These 2 children to fill in 'drugs in school survey' sheet.
To start
the lesson, discuss what drugs we think would be found in school.
As whole
class look at results of the survey and record on sheet. Discuss
the results of the survey.
3 - Drinking Alcohol |
favourite drinks. Explain that some people drink alcohol for the
way it makes them feel.
to read sentences about alcohol and see if they think they are
Discuss that
they are all true. Explain that the effects of alcohol depends
upon responsible use and misuse. Work through sheets on sensible
use of alcohol and misuse of alcohol.
Class discussion
on what it means to be addicted to alcohol and the effects of
continuous misuse.
4 - What It Means To Be Addicted |
on being 'hooked' to items such as computer games, chocolate, sport,
T.V. etc.
From sheet
discussion on addiction and how it can always have negative effects.
Discuss feelings
connected with 'giving up' - as on sheet.
As a class
brainstorm ways you can help people give up things they are addicted
Explain that
it is easier if someone is not addicted in the first place. Discuss
why people become addicted - why do people try things in the first
place - such as smoking - discuss peer pressure and ways of saying
5 - Smoking |
effects of being addicted to cigarettes - why people want to give
up smoking.
How can you
help people to give up smoking?
Discuss and
research the dangers of smoking.
Draw attention
to the quote from Paul Graves (see big book p8-9) - regarding
expectations of players.
Why do you
think footballers are discouraged from smoking?
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