Food and Exercise
Fit for Football, Fit for Life


Food Groups
Starchy Foods Meat, fish etc.
These are bread, cereals, potatoes, rice, pasta. They give us a lot of power and energy and make us feel full. They can also be a good source of fibre. This group helps to make our bodies grow and repair our skin cells when they have been damaged. It is very important for growing children.
Fruit and Vegetables Dairy Products
Give me 5! This group provides us with a variety of vitamins, minerals and fibre. They make good snacks and puddings and keep us in good health. These are the best sources of calcium. We need these for healthy bones and teeth. Don't forget that playing football outside gives us vitamin D so our body makes good use of this mineral.
Fats and Sugars Fluids
The smallest group to remind us these foods are very high in energy and we can enjoy them as treats.
A regular intake of water, juice is very important to flush our impurities. Our body is made of 80% water. De-hydration is the lack of water.


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Fit for Football, Fit for Life