and Exercise Fit for Football, Fit for Life |
Click here for general information for teachers about Fit for Football, Fit for Life. This includes extra information about printing, links to all the information for teachers sections and general information. (Teacher information about 'Food and Exercise' is on this page.)
Linking Grimsby Town Football Club (G.T.F.C.) with Literacy and Numeracy material. WEEK 1 - G.T.F.C.
to introduce the diaries, certificates and to take heart rates. Making
it personal, injecting enthusiasm, especially for diary writing. WEEK 2 - Literacy
- food groups linked to G.T.F.C. working on exercises really pushing
themselves and what is required to perform these activities eg. Foods. WEEK 3 - Literacy
- healthy eating - G.T.F.C. to run a programme highlighting what food
needed for stamina speed, specific muscles required for certain activities. WEEK 4 - Literacy
- hearts, lungs and muscles. WEEK 5 - Literacy
- exercise - G.T.F.C. to discuss pupils attitude to exercise, talk about
his own programme and its importance etc. Pupils to do a water down
version of G.T.F.C.'s programme - talk about healthy lifestyles. WEEK 6 - Literacy
- evaluation - G.T.F.C. to do programme but spend time on evaluating
what they have learned so far, encouraging pupils to fill in diary at
home over summer and to give out participation certificates. |
Fit for Football, Fit for Life |