Food and Exercise
Fit for Football, Fit for Life


Information for Teachers

Information on this page is about the Food Groups page,
also note the Glossary page.

Food Groups
Learning objectives
T14: To select and evaluate a range of texts for clarity and quality of information.

T16: To highlight relevant information in a passage and present ideas which are effectively grouped and linked.

S2: To understand how writing can be adapted for a different audience.

W13: To compile own dictionary using personal definitions for technical terms.

Text Level Work (15 min) Sentence Level Work (15 min)
Discuss layout of 'Food Groups'. What information is the page conveying? Does it work? Is it clear? Explain that in a report the most important information is written first. Which words are important? Highlight and record these words for note-taking purposes. Explain that the text has been written to attract children's attention. Discuss how it might have been written for adults. No pictures, more detailed information and elaborate sentences. Using one of the food groups and the notes taken write up facts in complex sentences.
Independent Work (20 min)
Children to compile own dictionary for the technical words in the text. Layout, alphabetical order etc.
Plenary (10 min)
Discuss definitions given in the children's own dictionaries. Are they clear and accurate.

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Fit for Football, Fit for Life