(What's it mean?)
I didn't
know what they meant,
so I thought I'd give you some help! |
- foods which give us power and energy.
Starch and sugars are carbohydrates.
It's things like bread, pasta, chips, crisps, chocolate and even vegetables
and fruit.
Cereal - food such as wheat, corn or rice, which
are grown for us to eat.
I have this for breakfast...
Endurance - perseverance.
Keep going...and going...and going...and...
Fat - food which is high in energy. It helps to
make the body warm. Yummy,
this will fill me up and up and...up.
Fatigue - weariness.
Oh dear I'm tired.
Flexibility - versatile, pliable, able to bend.
have trouble bending - I'm sure you don't. Molly and Michael are brilliant
at bending.
Impurities - foreign matter.
Bits that shouldn't be there - ever had a fly in your drink!
Mobility - shifting positions readily, not fixed.
Move that body, yeah!
Nutrients - protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins
and minerals are all nutrients. err...where's
that dictionary?
Profession - vocation. The
job a person does or is trained to do. I want to be a professional football
when I grow up...
- to top up. Get
some more energy with more food. All this exercise is making me hungry!
Warm down - activities to return body to normal
resting state. Getting
that body going. I have trouble first thing in the morning do you?
Warm up - activities to prepare the body for undertaking
any physical activity.
Oh yea chill out
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