Food and Exercise
Fit for Football, Fit for Life


Information for Teachers

Information on this page is about the G.T.F.C.'s Healthy Eating.

G.T.F.C.'s Healthy Eating
Learning objectives
T13: To read other examples, e.g. advert, considering half truth and bias.

T18: To write a commentary on an issue on paper or screen (as a leaflet) setting out and justifying a personal view.

W8: To identify everyday words such as spaghetti, bungalow, boutique which have been borrowed from other languages, and to understand how this might give us clues to spelling.

Text Level Work (15 min) Word Level Work (15 min)
Read the menu for Grimsby Town F.C. Discuss what the information is trying to convey. (Footballers eat a healthy diet)
Ask the children for their opinions. Do they think this is true? How does this information promote the image of the football players? Why is this necessary?
Ask the children to find examples of words taken from another language. (bagel, lasagne, pasta). Brainstorm other food words which are borrowed from another language. Then extend brainstorm to include other words from different areas. eg boutique, piano.
Independent Work (20 min)
Draft a leaflet promoting healthy eating which appeals to other children. Use any ideas from other Big Books.
Plenary (10 min)
Discuss with the children any points they have made and issues they have raised. Select children to show their work. Discuss effectiveness of layout.

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Fit for Football, Fit for Life