Food and Exercise
Fit for Football, Fit for Life


Information for Teachers

Information on this page is about the Interview With Paul Groves page.

An Interview With Paul Groves
Learning objectives
T14: To select and evaluate a range of texts, in print for persuasiveness, clarity and quality of information.

T17: To draft and write individual or group or class letters for a real purpose

Text Level Work (15 min) Shared Writing (15 min)

Read through the interview with Paul Groves.
Discuss layout of interview. Why it is written like this.
Discuss any technical or difficult vocabulary.
Children to ask own questions that arise after reading the interview.

Draft out the opening of a letter to Paul Groves from the class.
Discuss the format of a letter, the need to be polite and ask pertinent questions.
Independent Work (20 min)
Children to write their own letter to Paul Groves, in relation to Fit for Football, Fit for Life.
Plenary (10 min)
Read and discuss a selection of letters.

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Fit for Football, Fit for Life