Food and Exercise
Fit for Football, Fit for Life


Information for Teachers

Information on this page is about the Heart, Lungs and Muscles page.

Heart, Lungs and Muscles
Learning objectives
T14: To select and evaluate a range of texts for clarity and quality of information.

W12; To use dictionaries efficiently to explore spellings, meanings, derivations.

Text Level Work (15 min) Word Level Work (15 min)
Read through the text Heart, Lungs and Muscles. How is the information set out? Point out the use of the diagram. Discuss how it helps to inform. Discuss highlighted words. Children use dictionaries or the glossary at the end of the book to find definitions. Record definitions. Point out the prefix re in re-oxygenated. Which word would they look up to help them with the definition?
Independent Work (20 min)
Design a poster to encourage children to take more exercise. The poster should include aspects covered in the Big Book, pointing out the benefits of exercise and what happens to the body when exercise is undertaken.
Plenary (10 min)
Evaluate posters, discussing eye-catching appeal and amount of information displayed.

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Fit for Football, Fit for Life