Food and Exercise
Fit for Football, Fit for Life


Information for Teachers

Information on this page is about the Molly and Michael's Healthy Eating Plan.

Molly and Michael's Healthy Eating Plan
Learning objectives
T14: To select and evaluate a range of texts for persuasiveness clarity and quality of information.

T15: From reading to collect and investigate persuasive devices.

T19: To construct an argument to persuade others to a point of view.

S4: To use punctuation marks accurately in complex sentences.

Text Level Work (15 min) Sentence Level Work (15 min)
Read through the text . Discuss what the text is trying to achieve. Consider how the argument has been set out. The opening statement presenting the writer's point of view. Explore words and phrases in the text that are used to persuade. Highlight the first speech, "we both believe" explain that the phrase, 'that to be fit and healthy' is an addition piece of information and that the sentence would make sense without it. Point out how it is separated from the main body of text by commas. Do several examples.
Independent Work (20 min)
Write an argument for or against the idea of eating a healthy, balanced diet. PCM 1
Plenary (10 min)
Discuss children's attitudes to healthy eating. Allow some time for children to try to persuade each for or against using their own ideas from the Independent work.

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Fit for Football, Fit for Life