Numeracy - Running the Club
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Running the Club

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Running the Club

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'Running the Club' is a variety of maths activities linked to Grimsby Town Football Club.

A denotes a higher ability activity
B denotes a lower ability activity

Areas of the National Numeracy Strategy covered
Solving problems Activities
Making decisions
Choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems, and appropriate ways of calculating: mental, mental with jottings, written methods, calculator.
Problems involving 'real life' money and measures.
Use all four operations to solve simple word problems involving and quantities based on 'real life', money and measures, using one or more steps.
Explain methods and reasoning.
Match day costs sheets A and B
Grimsby Town F.C. merchandise sheets A and B
(see also front page to merchandise)
Ground capacity sheets A and B
Pitch Area sheet A
Perimeter sheets A and B
Multiplying by 10 and 100 sheet B ('Goal!')
Multiplying and dividing by 100 sheet A ('Burger Order')
Numbers and the number system Activities
Properties of numbers and number sequences
Recognise and extend number sequences formed by counting from any number in steps of constant size.
Number sequences sheets:
'Free Match Programme' A and
'Hanging Out the Shirts' B
Handling Data Activities
Organising and interpreting data
Solve a problem by representing and interpreting data in tables, charts, graphs and diagrams, including those generated by computer.
Crowds sheet B
Final league positions of Grimsby Town F.C. sheets A and B
Players of Grimsby Town F.C. sheets A and B
Managers of Grimsby Town sheets A and B
Table tester sheets ('How's the Team Doing') A and B
Average crowds sheet A

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Fit for Football, Fit for Life