The Rupert Collins Network
Lighthouse Home > Rupert Collins in Partnership with Schools Activities and Resources > Resources for Screens

Lynx files. Click on the links to download the file (Use Save As from the Save button).


Alphabet Magnetic Letters version 2 - letter background fixed

Billy Goats Gruff Story

Diary Writing - writing for a purpose

Discussion Texts - writing for a purpose

Homophones and Homonyms


100 Square





Lynx downloads - the latest version of Cleverlynx software, resources, any drivers and other software for Clevertouch screens. You can also update the software within the program under the Help menu.

Settings for Screen - These instructions stop webpages moving around on screens while trying to do an activity (usually Flash) on the page.

Pages larger (especially Internet pages) by Mistake - Touch settings

Settings for ActivInspire with screens - These instructions enable ActivInspire to work fully with a screen. It is recommended you upgrade to CleverLynx.

Calendar, this week

Traffic Lights - how are you doing?

Clock - Easy access to the clock in Cleverlynx


Snakes and Ladders Make your own snakes and ladders and play
