The guide was developed by Faye Sutton, a Save the Children Development Officer, with support from the Save the Children Midlands Development Team.

The guide was produced by the Birmingham Young People's Consultation Project which was a joint partnership between Birmingham City Council and Save the Children.

The information in the guide was produced with the help and support of Prince Albert Junior, School Council with additional contributions from Springfield Junior School Council, both of which are based in Birmingham.

The following activities have been adapted from Faye Sutton's book, 'The School Council - A Children's Guide' (1999) on behalf of Save the Children. Copies of the original book and further information can be obtained from:

Save the Children
Midlands Development Team
Hawthorns House
Halfords Lane
B66 1BB

Tel: 0121 555 8888
Fax: 0121 555 5333

…or by clicking on the order button.