Aims and objectives
The activity aims to develop students’ map reading and problem
solving skills by competing in a ‘virtual’ orienteering
race against the clock. The activity will also help develop spatial
awareness and the ability to translate a 2D image into a 3D space.
Previous knowledge
Students will need to have some basic experience of working with
maps. They would also benefit from having an opportunity to study
the specific map and key provided in the support materials prior
to attempting the activity.
In the classroom
Orienteering is a sport where competitors navigate their way between
control points marked on a specially drawn map. Orienteering can
take place in a variety of outdoor places, from town parks to countryside,
forest and moorlands. Orienteering is a perfect outdoor activity
for schools and can be used as an element in the National Curriculum
for PE, Geography and mathematics.
Outdoor orienteering is a skill that needs careful preparation.
This activity is designed to help students in that preparation.
This activity takes the student around Cannon Hill Park in Birmingham.
At the start of the activity they will be asked to submit a name.
Clicking on 'Return' or 'Enter' button on the computer starts the
orienteering exercise and the clock starts ticking.
At point 1 the student is presented with two photographs and has
to decide which of the two best describes Point 1 (If point 1 cannot
be seen on the map it can be moved around by 'click and drag').
The photographs can be made bigger by double-clicking on them. Encourage
the students to look at the key on the right hand side of the screen
to check what the lines and colours on the map mean. Finally they
can make their decision by clicking on the picture that they think
is the correct check point.
The pictures fade and photographs of Point 2 appear on the screen.
Find point 2 on the map and continue with the process described
above until all seven points have been identified.
At the end of the activity the student is presented with the number
of correctly identified check points together with a total time
taken for the exercise.
Although the activity is best suited to individual or small group
work it can also be a really useful tool when used for whole class
teaching with an interactive whiteboard. Students can be encouraged
to discuss the check point photographs and relate the features in
the images to the map through using the key. Not only does this
provide an opportunity for assessment also helps identify areas
where students may need additional support.
As an extension activity, why not get the students to create a
map of the school then get them to take a digital camera around
the school, take some pictures from unusual viewpoints and create
your own ‘virtual orienteering’ course?
Support materials description: |
Resources type: |
The canon_hill_map.pdf contains a copy of the
orienteering map and key relating to the activity. This can
be printed out onto stiff paper and laminated for use in the
classroom prior to starting the activity. Alternatively, it
can be printed onto acetate for use with an OHP. |
canon_hill_map.pdf |
Curriculum references
Geography – KS3:
2c, d, e