Simulation Activities teachers  


The activities are in line with the National Numeracy Strategy. The age groupings are taken from the Numeracy Strategy and are meant as a guide to attainment. However you may wish your pupils, depending on attainment, to attempt activities from various year group pathways.

Each activity can be used as an assessment activity and is printable for record keeping if required.

1. Lesson Activities
The lesson activities are explained on the next page. These should be used in conjunction with the NNS 'Outcomes and Activities' document.

2. Aims of Activities
The 'global' aim of the Numeracy activities is contained within the foreword of the documentation i.e.

To support the teaching of key aspects of data handling across KS2 and into KS3 (Yrs 3-7) with curriculum links to Literacy and Geography for KS3.

With particular reference to interpreting data
The bank of lesson activities are designed to develop greater proficiency within the 5 aspects of data handling

  • Posing questions / problems
  • Planning - What data do we need to collect
  • Collecting Data - How will we do this?
  • Processing and representing data - What are the best ways to represent the data?
  • Interpreting Data - Stimulating discussion, making predictions and drawing conclusions.
3. Target age group
Each activity is titled with the appropriate age / year group, however, children could work at different levels according to their abilities.

4. Curriculum links
The activity pack contains 3 lessons linked to the teaching of Literacy - focusing on journalistic writing, speaking and listening, drama and roleplay.

5. Lesson Guidance
Each lesson details specific NNS teaching and learning objectives and an outline of each activity including ideas for extension activities.


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